The Real Side
About The Real Side
Because we tell stories with adventure, entertainment and fantasy, sometimes what is fantasy gets confused with what is real. So to ensure you learn fact from fiction, we started The Real Side where we tell you about the real people, information and places in our stories and separate them from what is make-believe.
We expanded The Real Side to our website where we can share not only what is real in our stories, but expose you to endless knowledge about the world through a digital library of information. So explore the fun and excitement of learning by looking at the world through these three perspectives:
Real People
Learn about real people introduced in our stories. Click on a name or photo to find out more.
Real scientists featured in Tell Me Who I Am: The Journey Begins

George Carruthers

Elmer Samuel Imes
More Real Scientists to be featured as The Journey Continues

Real Information
This is our digital information library for children, parents and teachers to explore more about topics from our shows and ideas discussed on our website? You will find informative websites, information tools for teachers as well as learning portals for children. All organized to help you find what you are interested in the most.
Select a category
Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons)
An impressive review and illustration of the Bandiagara Cliffs built on cliffs and sandy plateaus by the Dogon people.
Dogon Country
A fun and exciting multimedia site where you'll discover Dogon the villages, explore media galleries and even share travel tales!
Ancient Egypt
Guardian's Egypt
Learn all about ancient Egypt--from the pyramids and hieroglyphs to art, literature and great monuments such as the Sphinx.
This PBS sponsored site talks about the first step pyramid at Saqqarah built for King Zoser in 2750 BC. This site also gives a brief description of the reasoning behind the pyramid’s structure and contents.
History of Egypt
Egyptian Ministry of Tourism put together this history of Egypt for children. Here, we will learn about Egypt's ancient past, as well as some of the most important rulers and other people that made Egypt one of the world's most powerful countries thousands of years ago.
Timbuktu's Story
Follow the history of this ancient city from its founding to the present day. Photos of the people and the area show what visitors find today.
The African American Mosaic
This Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture contains samples of the Library of Congress’ African American collection of books, periodicals, prints, photos, music, film and recorded sound.
Connecting Kids with Black History
Suggests ways to teach children about the historical accomplishments and struggles of African Americans, which benefits everyone.
Black Inventor Online
The Black Inventor Online Museum offers a look at the great and often unrecognized pioneers in the field of invention and innovation.
New Hampshire Black History
The history of blacks in the New Hampshire area since 1645.
African American Civil War Soldiers
A database of the 235,000 names of African American soldiers from the Civil War. Includes history of the colored troops as well as significant battles.
Benjamin Banneker

Monument for Benjamin Banneker
The Washington Interdependence Council seeks A Monument to America's Firs Black Man of Science.
Teacher Vision Lesson Plan
Teacher Vision offers lesson plan Benjamin Banneker's Letter for grades 6-8.
Lewis Latimer
The Black Inventor Online
Well-done biography and podcast about Lewis Latimer.
Innovative Lives
As part of its Innovative Lives series, the Smithsonian presents a Lewis Latimer's bio, graphic illustrations of his inventions and two poems he wrote.
KidPositive's The Real Side
In the Real People section of it's digital library The Real Side, presents, along with his bio, Lewis Latimer's list of patents spanning from 1874 to 1910.
Latin America

Welcome to Mexico
Interactive site for kids about the Aztecs
Background on The Aztecs/Mexicas with links to other Aztec homepages.
Biographies of Women Mathematicians
Features over 130 biographical essays of women in mathematics, including photos and references. The site is part of an on-going project by math students at Agnes Scott College.
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
This archive contains information about more than 50 women in the past century (to 1976) who have made original and important contributions to physics.
General Science
Atmospheric Heating and Cooling Earth Science Resources
Life and Earth Science
A different image will be posted each week in order to highlight topics in the Life and Earth Sciences. Each of the images will be accompanied by a short description together with information about the author and web links for further study. The images will be archived on the HHMI BioInteractive website, and will be made freely available for download from a searchable database for educational purposesChildren can explore animal classifications, dust particles in the air, the life stages of a butterfly, and which plant parts to use in a garden salad, at this simple and well-designed site.
Energy Quest
Energy Quest is the award-winning energy education website of the California Energy Commission. Its mission is to teach an "energy ethic" to conserve finite resources for our energy future, which is currently dependent on fossil fuels. Energy Quest seeks to answer questions and spur creativity and imagination for tomorrow's scientists and inventors so they can discover new means of energy production and innovative ways to use less energy.
Explore Science
online solutions to improve student learning in math and science. ExploreLearning Gizmos®, the world's largest library of interactive online simulations for math and science education in grades 3-12.
The Exploratorium
The Exploratorium Science Center in San Francisco, California
Frontiers for Young Minds
Frontiers for Young Minds is a scientific open access journal edited by and for kids. It has the double benefit of bringing kids into the world of scientific research – many of them for the first time – and offering active scientists a platform for reaching out to the broadest of all publics.
The Science of Baseball
This web page from the Exploratorium in San Francisco teaches students of all ages, even adults, why a curve ball curves, how to throw a fastball, and how to improve their swing, for starters.
Science Fair Project Ideas, Answers & Tools
The Science of Addiction: K-12 Integrated Prevention Curriculum
Exploratorium | The Science of Cooking
Calculators for Kids: Important STEM Tools
African American Astronauts
Profiles of black astronauts from NASA.
Kids Astronomy
Astronomy for children, students, and kids of all ages form the KidsKnowIt Network.
Earth and Sky
The official site of the Earth and Sky radio program.
Let's Talk Stars
Astronomy talk radio from Starizona.
About Sirius B, the Brightest Star in the Night Sky
The Sirius team draws inspiration and energy from the history and myth that link humanity to astronomical Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. If you are curious to learn more about the star Sirius, please read on...
Solar System Simulator
his NASA site allows users to create color views of the solar system and any of its bodies. See what Earth looks like from Mars! Features sample QuickTime and MPEG movies.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory website is a place where you can learn all about JPL's missions, from the Mars Curiosity rover to Cassini at Saturn, the Spitzer Space Telescope and the fleet of satellites that monitor our home planet.
Space Camp
Website from the U.S. Space and Rocket Center contains links to information on the four US space camps for children and adults with an interest in space and aeronautics. Also provides information about space camp scholarships. Space Camp® launched in 1982 to inspire and motivate young people from around the world to join the ranks of space pioneers who persevere to push the boundaries of human exploration. Today, with attendees from all 50 states, territories and more than 60 foreign countries, the immersive program continues to challenge young people to dream of a future in space.
The Space Place
A fun learning center for young astronomers, this NASA site features information and activities about astronomy presented in an entertaining format. Features a glossary, the history of space travel and several activities to print out or complete on line.
A fun learning center for young astronomers, this NASA site features information and activities about astronomy presented in an entertaining format. Features a glossary, the history of space travel and several activities to print out or complete on line.
Yohkoh Public Outreach Project
Images and video from an x-ray telescope on board the Yohkoh satellite with special emphasis on the sun.
FDA Kids Home Page
Great area for kids at U.S. Food and Drug Administration site. A fun skeleton character shows the medical devices that replace real body parts. Take quizzes on food safety and tobacco, get information about vaccines and print a food safety coloring book.
The Sickle Cell Information Center
This site provides info on Sickle Cell Anemia for health care providers and patients alike. Features a professional summary of the disease, a list of conferences, newborn screening information, transfusion protocol information, and general information.
Mathematics of the African Diaspora

The Tiger Information Center
This website provides information on tiger biology, population status, and conservation. Includes interactive quizzes, role-playing exercises and multimedia gallery.
Water Science for Schools
This website sponsored by the US Geological Surveys (USGS) teaches about the importance of water in our everyday lives.
Telescope Basics
Starizona offers a beginner's guide to choosing a using a telescope. A very good overview of telescopes for the person just getting started in astronomy. It answers questions about the different types of telescopes and also gives the advantages and disadvantages of each. Contains numerous pictures and illustrations.

Scholarships Fund
The website which awards scholarships to students wishing to attend private schools (K-12). Also features a United States Private School Search Database provided by the Department of Education.
African American Teachers Lounge
Primarily for African American teachers, features links to lesson plans, ideas for teachers.
PBS Learning Media
Bring Your Classroom to Life With PBS including a student learning portal and suite of productivity tools for teachers.
PBS Teacher Line
Flexible, online professional development for PreK-12 educators.
Little Explorers Picture Dictionary
A picture dictionary with links allowing children to explore the Internet to learn more about the words they have chosen. Each entry contains a picture definition and a simple word definition. Many of the entries are also linked to outside sites that further develop the meaning of the word.
Information Please Kids Almanac
Site geared towards kids, parents, and teachers with reference information grouped into seven categories: people, fun facts, science, world, sports, life, and U.S.
Real Places
Learn about real places featured in Tell Me Who I Am: The Journey Begins. We will be adding soon more locations based on the Timeship visits in future episodes.
Join Nia and Funzi in their adventures through time as they visit historic places such as ancient Kemet and other Nile Valley civilizations. You'll learn about the building of the first step pyramid designed by Imhotep in 2650 B.C. and other exciting developments.
Nia and Funzi's journey begins in Timbuktu, the great center of commerce and learning, which emerged in the 14th century and later produced the famous University of Sankore. Scholars from around the world came to Timbuktu to visit its excellent libraries and to study law, medicine, mathematics and astronomy.