Learning Through Entertainment
What is Learning through Entertainment?

Tell Me Who I Am is intentionally and specifically designed to entertain children so that they learn indirectly without feeling someone is teaching or preaching to them.
The learning concepts and educational methodology incorporated into the script-writing and production of Tell Me Who I Am is informed directly by world-renowned educational scholars and is carefully integrated to create an entertaining way to learn. We believe it is important that we provide all children with positive, educational media images and messages to enhance their cultural understanding, historical knowledge, positive values and academic motivation. Based on the feedback that we have received across the country from children, parents, teachers and child development experts, we are confident that the messages and images in Tell Me Who I Am do just that in a fun, adventurous and entertaining way. We call it learning through entertainment. This is our mission and we try to get better at it everyday.
Why Learning through Entertainment Works

- Contains educational content designed by nationally-recognized educators and classroom teachers
- Uniquely combines learningand entertainment to create fun learning experiences
- Utilizes popular Hip-Hop music with positive lyrics to capture the attention of students
- Combines imagination, adventure and entertainment with images and messages about historical role models in science
- Used by teachers and home school parents as a supplemental learning tool to help fulfill national education standards in science, history, language arts, life skills and geography
Learning - The Journey Begins
To give you an idea of Learning through Entertainment in practice, here are the science role models featured or mentioned in the first episode of Tell Me Who I Am, The Journey Begins:

Patricia Cowings
NASA physician specializing in space exercises

Mae C. Jemison
First female African American in space

Benjamin Banneker
Astronomer, made first wooden clock in U.S. and wrote first Almanac

The ancient Egyptian architect, astronomer and physician

Christine Darden
NASA Aeronautics scientist working to solve sonic boom factor

George Carruthers
Astrophysicist and inventor of the ultraviolet camera/spectrograph

Lewis Latimer
Scientist who invented longer-lasting carbon filaments for lamps
The three primary learning objectives for the Tell Me Who I Am series are evident in the first episode:

Most of the above science leaders are connected to astronomy, which is the primary science focus in this episode. Because of the way astronomy is woven into the story, character personalities, dialogue, songs, visual backgrounds and props, children learn about astronomy through an entertaining story and may be encouraged toward a greater interest in science.
As the children journey through time, they explore world history through the eyes of each of its diverse characters and learn to appreciate different cultures and historical experiences. So in The Journey Begins they explore ancient Egypt (or Kemet/KMT) and learn about Imhotep. They are introduced to Timbuktu and the culture of the Dogon people in western Mali. In upcoming episodes they visit and learn about ancient Mexico, Ireland and England.

Positive Values
The story, images, dialogue, songs and character portrayals in The Journey Begins reinforce such positive values as family, commitment, hard work, knowledge, cooperation, sharing, diversity, creativity and courage.
Supplemental Learning
Learning goes beyond watching The Journey Begins or future episodes. Learning is also reinforced by the activity book, digital learning kits for teachers and parents, games, music and other interactive features on the website that are extensions of the show episodes.