
Future Episodes

Emperor Mansa Musa

  Emperor Mansa Musa, Mali Empire

The Story


Princess Nia and Imhotep

Affiliate Signup Instruction


 Thank you for agreeing to become a TellMeWhoIAm Kickstarter Campaign Ambassador. We are launching our campaign soon.  Once we launch we will need you to bring 20 backers to the campaign.  If you bring 20 backers that successfully back the campaign at a minimum $30 backer level, you will receive a Princess Nia doll free of charge.  

To encourage your friends to back the campaign, share the Kickstarter link by clicking the share button to post to social media or copy and paste the link to send via text, email, WhatsApp, etc. 

Click ADD BACKER on the dashboard whenever you are ready to add a new backer.

 Learn more about our Kickstarter campaign goals

 Start sharing with potential backers now and earn that free Princess Nia doll![Link Goes to dashboard with ADD BACKER option and KS link share] 


 Add new backers,  amounts pledged and dates of pledge and keep track of your backers here.


Please enter information for each backer you have referred who has made or will make a pledge to our Kickstarter campaign. Make sure the email you enter for your backer is the same email the backer used when making the Kickstarter pledge.  

Once you confirm that a backer has made a pledge, please select the TRUE option on the PLEDGED drop down.  Once we verify that the backer's pledge was made and funds received, we will give you credit for the referral.


While you only need to refer 20 backers who support the campaign at a minimum $30 backer level to get your free doll, we’d love for you to refer 20 backers who back at the $200 level (where they too will get a Princess Nia Doll reward) instead of the $30 level. Or refer more than 20 backers. 

Our minimum goal that we must reach is $300,000 in this ALL or NOTHING campaign.  That’s what we need to complete the pre-production phase for the 13 episodes.  Under one scenario, that would require 500 ambassadors each referring 20 backers at a minimum $30 backer level.

That’s the minimum we need.  But we’re more focused on the maximum.  If we get 1,000 ambassadors each referring 30 backers who back at the $200 level because they all want the Nia doll, that’s 30,000 backers at $200 which is $6 million.  That’s the total we need to complete the full production of all 13 episodes and bring them to the public.  That’s what we call our STRETCH GOAL.  I believe we can do it!

Think about it.  There are approximately 2 million AA households in the U.S. with children ages 2-11.  We only need 2% of them—30,000 households—to back the campaign at the $200 level and get the beautiful, meaningful  Princess Nia doll—while at the same time helping to launch a groundbreaking animated series for our children.  We can do that, can’t we?

Thank you for agreeing to join us as an ambassador as we seek to turn Tell Me Who I Am into a 13 episode series to entertain, enlighten and inspire children globally.

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